• Wyjazdy badawcze pracowników Katedry Geografii Regionalnej i Społecznej UŁ

Wyjazdy badawcze pracowników Katedry Geografii Regionalnej i Społecznej UŁ

Employees of the Department of Regional and Social Geography Employees of the University of Lodz, Prof. dr hab. Marcin Wójcik and mgr Patrycja Grzyś, went on research trips as part of the UNIC Alliance in October and November 2024. As part of the trips, they were to establish international cooperation and implement joint research projects.

During his visit to the University of Zagreb, Croatia Prof. Marcin Wójcik focused on research on sustainable development and resilience of rural areas in Poland and Croatia. Together with Prof. Aleksandar Lukić, they discussed the theoretical foundations of such studies, along with identifying cases of new forms and functions of rural settlement in metropolitan and peripheral areas. The effect of the visit was the development of a concept for a scientific article that is to provide new research perspectives in rural geography.

Mgr Patrycja Grzyś, at the invitation of Prof. Guy Baeten, visited the Institute for Urban Research in Malmö, where she participated in meetings with an international team of researchers. As part of the trip, she conducted research on street art as a narrative medium in post-industrial cities and took part in the conference "The Art of Conviviality". During her stay, she collected materials that will be the basis for developing a scientific article analysing the function of street art in the process of shaping urban identity.

Prof. dr hab. Marcin Wójcik Prof. dr hab. Marcin Wójcik during his stay in Croatia"The Art of Conviviality" conference